I'm so, so sorry! I'm a whole one and a half month from my New Years Revolution, and I've already managed to miss a whole ton of posts! But, we went on vacation to Florida (which was awesome! especially after leaving -30 celsius weather!). And then I got sick. Another lung infection (I now get 1-2 a year) and have been busy with work. I'm just starting to feel better now!
One of the things I want to start doing on this blog is not only showing my creative work (which lets face it, I'm not great at posting -- the funny thing is I actually scrapbook a LOT!), but I am also trying to get better at budgeting my money, and I know that's hard for everyone, but in the last year, I've gotten better and better, mostly by reading what others are doing from their blogs. If you look, you'll see that I've added a new list of blogs I read to the side under the category "Frugal Blogs". I hope these help you as much as they've helped me!
Before we left on vacation, I place an order using a bunch of my swagbucks and here is what I got:

So excited about it all!
And the best part, thanks to swagbucks, it was all FREE! Yep, that's right. Talk about budget friendly!
I use swagbucks, which is a search engine that "pays" you with swag"bucks". There is a number of different ways that you can use your swagbucks, but I usually use them for Amazon.ca giftcards (they have Amazon.com giftcards too!) and use them for gifts and for myself. Another way you can earn swagbucks is thru referrals. If you are interested in swagbucks, sign up here:

I hope you love it as much as I do!