I'm trying to get better at updating my blog, working on my CT assignments, and just in general taking time for the hobby I love (scrapbooking in case you couldn't guess!) and the people that I love. At one time, I couldn't imagine doing anything other then working on my career, but now, I just want to enjoy the rest of my life!
At the end of June, our friend from college, Steph, married Brent (who I met for the first time at the wedding -- the things that happen when you don't live in the same town!!!). I've been working on editing the photos that I took that weekend as I've been doing the photo editing class at JessicaSprague.com. I finished the good to great workflow self-paced course yesterday (actually, I started it yesterday too, couldn't do much else as the nerve in my back was acting up!!), and loved it!!!! It is absolutely amazing how different a photo can look with just two minutes of work! I started her new photo editing course tonight, and am already loving the results!
The photo above is of Steph's twin sister Anna & a friend. The mask and word art are from House of 3 (part of our course materials--word art is recoloured, as the old colours didn't show up on the dresses). I can't wait to see what is in store tomorrow!